Joe and Nancy’s Kickstarter funded film is here!

Dear Joe and Nancy supporters, enthusiasts and friends,

It is with great pleasure that Germain, Jesús and I release the season finale of the Joe & Nancy Mysteries series!  This film was made possible by our generous Kickstarter backers!  This episode was filmed over the course of one weekend in May, 2013 in Wilmington, NC.  We filmed between thunderstorms, battled intense wind and 50 degree weather to capture the footage presented here.

This episode of the Joe and Nancy Mysteries series picks up with Joe and Nancy as they head to the beach to celebrate passing their MA exams.  The vacation is cut short, however, when two dead bodies are discovered.  Is Ned correct when he thinks Joe and Nancy have been murdered?  Will the detectives’ friends be able to sort everything out?  Will this vacation really end in death?  Find out in Joe & Nancy’s Beach House Murder Mystery.

Starring: Germain ChoffartTeresa MooreJesús Hidalgo, Lauren Czaplicki, Aude Dieudé, Betsy Tremmel and Matteo Gilebbi  Music by: Eileen Marie Moore     Produced by: Teresa Moore & Jesús Hidalgo   Written, Directed & Edited by: Teresa Moore

new poster for Joe & Nancy episode 1

Hey everyone!

As we get ready to roll out the season finale episode of the Joe & Nancy Mysteries series we wanted to share a cool new poster for episode one, Picnic of Death.


Germain Choffart, Teresa Moore, Betsy Tremmel, Matteo Gilebbi and Jesús Hidalgo star in this first episode of the series. Music is by Eileen Marie Moore.

Here’s the episode itself so you can refresh your memory about the series.  In this particular episode Joe and Nancy are called to the Sarah Duke Gardens to solve a murder.  Celeste, a girl in Nancy and Joe’s department, has been killed on the red bridge.  Joe and Nancy try to solve the case while Bess and Dave wait on the bridge for the police to arrive.  After a series of interviews with passersby Joe and Nancy think they spot the culprit.  There’s a murder, a mystery, incomprehensible interviews, a chase scene, a fight and two love stories that are intertwined.  

“Sometimes death is a dish best served for lunch.”

Updates, new photos and new blogs

A big hello to our avid Joe & Nancy friends, enthusiasts and supporters,

It’s the time in the summer to give everyone updates on how our Joe & Nancy projects are progressing!  First we’ll start with our films: there are three (yes THREE) that are coming out by the end of August.

  1. The Halloween Special episode called Paper Masked Silence” — what should you expect?  Well, a halloween party gone terribly wrong, that’s what.  And, of course, there will be some miscommunication between a French speaker and Joe and Nance.  This film will come to you first in MID JULY.  So expect good news and a good mystery soon.
  2. The next episode coming your way is “Death in the Shadows” — the episode where Joe and Nancy take their MA exams and their friends pitch in to solve a murder.  Expect a beloved character to bite the dust.  Or will they???  This episode will be released LATE JULY. We’ll give you the exact dates for it as we draw closer.
  3. Finally, the last episode this season is “Joe & Nancy’s Beach House Murder Mystery”.  Those familiar with our kickstarter campaign know what this one is about.  For those just learning about us and our projects you can look at our kickstarter project here: Joe & Nancy’s Kickstarter campaign.  The episode follows Joe & Nancy and some friends as they celebrate their passing exams with a vacation on the beach in Wilmington, NC.  As one would expect, there’s a murder mystery that ensues.  This episode will be released in AUGUST. 

Every person part of the Joe & Nancy cast and crew is thrilled with the progress we’re making on the shorts.  We’re also thrilled to share with you some new cast photos from our photo shoot with the wonderful Durham, NC photographer Kayla Coleman.  You can check out her website here: Kayla Coleman Photography

There are also some new projects in the works, so we’ll keep you all apprised of them.  Our cast and crew members have been busy creating in other venues as well:

Finally, we’ll keep you posted on the developments as they happen!  We’re busy editing and adding music — we can’t wait to release the next short. Don’t forget to follow this blog so you can be the first to know when we release the new episodes!